Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sleep Cues?????

So Payton is a really good sleeper through the night! yea, for us! Daytime is a bit different. One day she will take her naps fine and then the next it will be a different story! Everything I have read says "Watch for the SLEEP CUES!". I thought I new what Payton's sleep cues are but...........maybe not. There has been a few instances were I try to put Payton down for a nap (thinking she is overtired). We fight each other basically. Then when I give up on her napping and unwrap her she SMILES huge at me. Right when I am about to loose my mind because I think I am not doing something right to get her to sleep,she has the audacity to give a HUGE gummy grin! LOL Then we decide to play a little bit and she is much happier and falls right to sleep! Needless to say I have not got the hang of the "sleep cues" yet. Poor Payton all she wants to do is play and her mommy is forcing her to sleep. She will train me yet! Today after us fighting each other for a nap we watched our first Baby Einstein video together. She loved it! Smiled and laughed! With all of our big screen T.V.'s in the house we better get something educational on them!: )

1 comment:

  1. The sleep cues!!! LOL..

    What? You're not a baby mind reader?
