Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ode to Payton

Everything she sees
she says she wants.
Everything she wants
I see she gets.

That's my daughter in the water
everything she owns I bought her
Everything she owns.
That's my daughter in the water,
everything she knows I taught her.
Everything she knows.

Everything I say
she takes to heart.
Everything she takes
she takes apart.

That's my daughter in the water
every time she fell I caught her.
Every time she fell.
That's my daughter in the water,

I lost every time I fought her.
Yea, I lost every time.

Every time she blinks
she strikes somebody blind.
Everything she thinks
blows her tiny mind.

That's my daughter in the water,
who'd have ever thought her?
Who'd have ever thought?

That's my daughter in the water,
I lost every time I fought her
Yea, I lost every time.

* This our new bath time and lullaby song! Payton seems to like it. Poor thing she is gonna be hearing her mom sing this song to her for the rest of her life!

No more swaddle PART II

So we tried the sleep sac! During the day Payton was fighting every nap and did not get much sleep. Theory says if they don't sleep well during the day they probably wont sleep well during the night! Payton went down OK that night in her sleep sac but did not sleep through the night as well as she usually does. I also woke up to a midnight feeding with her smiling because she had pooped through her p.j.'s AND sleep sac. I pulled another sleep sac out that we had that still lets you swaddle up the arms. She went down fine. So was it the sleep sacs fault? Or was it that she didn't sleep well all that day, and woke up because she made a mess of herself! Probably, but now we are hooked on the the sleep sac that can swaddle the arms still. Its weird that she has not busted out of that yet. Its amazing what in your head you think makes all the difference. So lets just say she is half swaddled half saced!LOL

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sleep Cues?????

So Payton is a really good sleeper through the night! yea, for us! Daytime is a bit different. One day she will take her naps fine and then the next it will be a different story! Everything I have read says "Watch for the SLEEP CUES!". I thought I new what Payton's sleep cues are but...........maybe not. There has been a few instances were I try to put Payton down for a nap (thinking she is overtired). We fight each other basically. Then when I give up on her napping and unwrap her she SMILES huge at me. Right when I am about to loose my mind because I think I am not doing something right to get her to sleep,she has the audacity to give a HUGE gummy grin! LOL Then we decide to play a little bit and she is much happier and falls right to sleep! Needless to say I have not got the hang of the "sleep cues" yet. Poor Payton all she wants to do is play and her mommy is forcing her to sleep. She will train me yet! Today after us fighting each other for a nap we watched our first Baby Einstein video together. She loved it! Smiled and laughed! With all of our big screen T.V.'s in the house we better get something educational on them!: )

Monday, December 27, 2010

No More Swaddle!

So my sister told me about what we like to call" The Miracle Swaddle". My Niece Isabel used it and it was now passed down to Payton. We have been swaddling Payton real tight every night since she has been born. It has been part of her routine for bed. So needless to say I have grown accustom to it. I basically give the swaddle the props for Payton sleeping so well at night. For the past week every time I wake up for a midnight feeding or to wake Payton to start the day, she has busted out of it. What is interesting about it is that you will always find her in a different position. Most times she has managed to pull both arms out , but still be wrapped tight everywhere else. I really don't know how she figured that out. I new it was the last straw when I found her this morning with both arms out and one leg! Tonight Zack put her down for bedtime and put her in a sleep sac. We are a little nervous on how she will sleep through the night.Knock on wood, she went down for him no problem. Our little peanut is one strong girl already!

Christmas Fun!

Happy Holidays to everyone! Zack, Payton, and I started our Christmas Eve off at Zack's moms house. We opened gifts from each other and visited for a bit! Then it was off to church for the Christmas Service.Payton decided to sleep through all the crazy loud music and be awake for the sermon. What a good girl! LOL I LOVED our Christmas service. We always end the Christmas service by singing silent night by candle light. Listening to all the voices in the room and remembering what Christmas is really all about brought tears to my eyes. It was absolutely beautiful! From there it was to my Mom and Dad's house. They have an annual open house on Christmas Eve which is tons of fun. Food , Fun, and Family.Then for Christmas Day we were back at my parents house. We opened gifts and relaxed for the day. one of my gifts was a  Kurieg coffee maker. Which really helps out early in the morning when I need a caffeine fix while waking up with Payton! Zack and I told each other no gifts but my husband spoils me! Somehow he said Santa came and left gifts under the tree for me. I got an AWESOME watch (Juicy Couture). Got to love it! Some pics from our holiday fun............

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Yea! I am 2 Months Old!

Oh wow were to begin!? As you can tell she is a pretty happy baby! Payton is eating up to 7 ounces of formula at one sitting.She is a big eater! Sometimes just to throw mommy through a loop, she will only eat 4 ounces. for the past week though byt the days end she eats up to 31 ounces in a 24 hour period! Holy Cats! Since she is taking in so much she seemed to get a little gassy on us. We have started to give her some gas drops and they seem to be helping out. She likes to hold her #2 up for one big blowout of the day. This means she is getting to ge through her new wardrobe pretty quickly. Payton smiles more and more everyday. She mostly really stares at things and takes it all in. You can almost see the wheels in her head trying to see and recognize everything.She is definitely a cuddler and seems to like watching Hector (our dog) and Harley (our cat) more then her own toys! Here are a few more pics from the past month

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"California Dreaming"

Yea! Uncle Nick came home from California and it was his first time meeting our little peanut. Right away she took to her Uncle Nick, giving him smiles and talking to him! I think he might have taken to her a little bit too. They both seemed a little in love. So cute. Payton was already grabbing at Uncle Nick's hair! Lets just say when she gets into her teeny bopper years and driving us crazy I am sure she will be able to run out to California to visit her cool Uncle Nick!

Kerruish Family Christmas!

Payton got all dolled up for her first Christmas gathering. Diane  (my mother-in-law) got Payton her plaid dress, and I think she is the cutest thing EVER( I know i might be a little bias).We went over to Diane's house and had a great time. Payton was on her BEST behavior.We had food, fun, and presents. It was a house full of kids and babies. Can't wait to see next year when all three babies are going to be one years old and on the move! OH BOY!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

8 Weeks and Moving In!

Payton passed her 8 week birthday and Zack and I decided to move her into her room. We have had her in a Pac-N-Play in our room since she has been born. Payton has been doing AWESOME in her crib at night.I think she really likes her room too. We start our night time routine with a bath or wipe down. Payton can't have a bath with soap every night because she gets a bit dry due to it being winter time.After that we due what we like to call a "baby massage" with lots of good smelling lotion. This is when we get to notice all those little chunky creases starting on her arms and thighs. She eats and then we read a book. I remember reading to my niece " Goodnight moon" and thought this book is kinda rare. Bel my niece loved it but I remember saying to my sister " Its boring", my child will get a different nighty night book. Thanks to my sister's awesome shower planning, Payton has a whole library of books! We have tried a few different books but guess what Payton likes the best.........Goodnight Moon! So now it is mommy's favorite too! LOL We swaddle her up for the night and off to bed she goes! Payton goes down between 7:30-8:30pm right now. Mommy is gonna try to get this more consistent and meet somewhere in the middle at 8:00pm. She usually sleeps and wakes up for a feeding between 2:30-3:30am, and then back to sleep to wake up for the day between 6:30-7:30am. She is a pretty good sleeper!

Smiles Smiles Everywhere

Payton is really starting to show off her smile! She wakes up in a very good mood and smiles away. Her mom is NOT a morning person , so once again she is taking after daddy. We got a new camera but unfortunately I don't know all the ins and outs of it. They are a little blurry but you can catch her gummy smile!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mommyhood just hit!

Yes it is hard to believe that this tiny little thing could spin your life upside down!
The past couple weeks I have been struggling with mommy hood. I have been worrying and second guessing myself from anything as small as should i use diaper cream to as big as does she have reflux,sleep apnea,milk allergy,etc. There were a few breakdowns which thanks to my great supportive family always had me laughing in the end. She is a GREAT baby.Sleeps well,eats well, and seems to be pretty darn happy.uh oh, don't want to jinx us. ; ) I have never felt worry like this before. I guess it goes with that unconditional huge amount of love everybody talks about.LOL! In the end I decided to throw away all the books that tell every which way you SHOULD raise your child and am leaving it up to me and Zack. What a novel idea! To a new mommy out in the world: Don't drive yourself crazy with the books. You know your child better.
I have to say I am always like, do I know my child better? I have only known her for a short period of time! But guess what? I do!
I have always respected mothers before , but now I am amazed by them! I am proud to be part of the club now. I think we should have a secret wave like people who have Jeeps. Or like the people who ride motorcycles. We have the battle scars of not sleeping,worrying,complete selflessness,etc.
If you pass me on the street and I give you a wink,just know I am amazed by you in every way!

Christmas Photo Shoot!

Mommy and Daddy decides to get our Christmas gifts on Black Friday! We got a new camera which is amazing. We decided to put up our Christmas tree and Payton was so alert and interested by the lights that we started taking pictures. She was doing so good so of course I had to dress her up and turn it into a photo shoot! Poor thing! Needless to say we got great pictures. here are a few

Lets go see the Doctor!

I know I know! I am SOOO behind! BTW i am typing this up a couple days away from Payton's 2 month birthday. Oh boy! Lets see if we can catch up . Payton's 1 month Doctors appointment went well! All that eating has done her body good! LOL She weighed in at 9lbs 8 oz and now is 22 inches long! She got a vaccine and took it like a champ. Not looking forward to the 2 month doc appointment. She will have to get 4 shots and an oral vaccine. Oh Boy! Love this little girl!