I can't believe our peanut is One Month already! It one sense it seems like it is going by fast. Probably because this past month has seems like one long day of a three hour or so turn around. Around every three hours Payton and I go through the routine. Wake up, change diaper, feed, play a bit, and then back to bed. Payton is starting to have a bit more awake time. which is fun because we play in her play mat for a bit. Just a week ago or so I put her in there while I was making bottles for the day and heard her first cooing. To a first time mom that's A LOT of fun. Its always nice to hear something else besides crying : )! She likes to spend about 10 minutes or so in her play mat. In the beginning you would put her in there and she would look around for awhile and then fall asleep. Now I put her in there and her friends ( cartoon animals) piss her off after awhile. it is funny to hear her talking (cooing) at them in the beginning and then just when she has had enough she starts really yelling at them ( just straight on loud "AAAAAA's"). As if one of the animals really did something to make her mad! She REALLY loves to eat also. She is eating around 4 1/2 oz at every feeding time (which is around every three hours). When we go to her one month follow up I can't wait to find out how much she weighs! I am very excited because when I change her I can start to see the beginning of some chunk on her baby thighs. Growing baby is a healthy baby! Payton does a few long stretches of sleeping for me through the night. She is kinda deciding on her own at least right now that her bed time is somewhere between eight and nine in the evening. From there I wake up to do one middle of the night feeding and we wake up for the day between six and seven in the morning. She is pretty good to her momma. I have never been an early bird so I am getting used to starting my day so early, but I know I should not complain! Payton is also holding her head up on her own a lot more now. When she is awake she is REALLY awake. We laugh because sometimes we just wait for her to blink. Everyday is a struggle for me as a new mom not to over worry about EVERYTHING!. As time goes on , with the support of awesome family, I can say I am beginning to get better with that.
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