So yes Payton's mom is a baby herself! This would have been the first doc visit that I would have had to do by myself since our peanut was born. Which is so not a big deal but she had to get another round of 4 shots and 1 oral immunization. Luckily Grandma Kerruish was off from work and very kindly gave up some time to come with us! Again Payton took her shots like a champ. drum roll please..........
Payton weighed in at 19 pounds 13 ounces! No wonder Zack and I just could not muster keeping her in her carrier/car seat anymore. Payton has now switched to a big girl car seat and can sit up fine in shopping carts to go shopping with mommy. I cannot believe how grown-up she is getting already. I already almost had a mommy sappy breakdown because she is over me rocking and cuddling her. She loves to have all limbs free and moving. Before the nurse even took Payton's length she already had commented "Oh your gonna be a long girl!" Her length is 28 inches long! Our little peanut is in the 95th% of weight and 97th% of height!
That is just what she is , nothing short of perfect in her mommy and daddy's eyes.
Payton is a good sleeper at night and we for sure got nap times to 2 naps a day for give or take 2 hours.
she is very serious at times just taking EVERYTHING in and then can be really smiley and giggly!
Payton also has a way of raising one eyebrow at you ( which her mommy can't even do) while you are talking to her almost to say "what are you talking about lady!".
I love my little girl and can't get enough of her.
She is perfectly proportioned! Love her bunches. grandma k