March 26th marked a new era for our little peanut! She spent the day with Grandma Kerruish and showed of a new trick! At 5 months and 3 days old Payton decided to roll from her back to her tummy! What a big girl! I got the call while I was at work( a saturday) from Zack to tell me. Part of me couldn't believe it! I had to see it for myself. Zack and I were going out that night for a suprise birthday party for a good friend so by the time I got home from work poor Payton had a small window of time to show her mama what she could do( she decided to make mommy wait). Payton had her very first over night with Grandma Kerruish that night but boy oh boy the next day when we brought her home she did not hold back. Rolling is all she wanted to do! She would roll to her tummy and then get kinda frustrated because she wanted to figure out how to back on her back!I love my little peanut and cannot believe how big she is getting. EVERYDAY somthing new!
Summer Love 2015
9 years ago
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