Oh my goodness I can't believe we are already through half of month four. Payton went in for her four month doc visit more at like four and a half months. A week before her doctors visit she received her FIRST cold. The poor thing was buggery and had a bit of a cough. I was waiting for this to happen considering she was a winter baby and had made it through just fine. Part of me wanted her to get one so we could get it done and over with and mommy and daddy new what to expect , but then another part of me ( the neurotic part, lol) didn't want her to because I was worried it would get really bad. Needless to say my poor mother had to have me constantly ask her to hear her lungs to make sure it was not turning into anything worse! OH BROTHER! Sorry mom, :). Payton actually really has a good demeanor on her. She went through the cold still happy and sleeping pretty well through the night. When we went to see the doctor I wasn't sure if they were going to give her the five vaccines she needed because she was still a bit congested. Our pleasantly plump baby weighed in at 16 pounds 2 ounces and 25 inches in length. The doctor says she is a happy healthy baby which I would agree with! They went ahead and gave her her vaccines ( 4 shots and one oral) AGAIN Payton took it like a champ. Not much crying and calmed down pretty well. This time after shots Payton seemed a bit irritated. She has been a stellar baby with sleeping through the night but the night of her shots not so much. I was up with her three times in the middle of the night! It brought me back to the newborn stage, lol. Like I said she was coming off a cold, had the shots, and we were told by the doctor that her bottom gums seemed a bit swollen (teething). I think it was a perfect storm of irritation!Payton wakes up everyday and seems to be adding something else to her repertoire. Its amazing! In the beginning of the month I think she realized her own voice and started talking more and more. Now by mid month she is really getting more physical. She is sitting , not entirely unassisted, but when propped up she put hands on knees and last about 15-30 seconds before falling to the side. So fun to watch her try to get her bearings. She has realized where her feet are so at diaper changes it takes abit longer with her grabbing her toes and holding on for dear life.Within the past few days she has realized how to plant her feet on the ground and stand assisted. She LOVES it. When her grandma Kerruish was over for a visit we were laughing on how she seems to want to go go go all the time.Zack and I have gotten to hear a little bit more of her belly laughs which I cannot tell you how much that melts my heart. I wish I could hear them all the time.If you pick the right moment our peanut on her tummy will now lift with her hands underneath her. Payton is still not an entirely huge fan of tummy time which is funny to me, because when she was a newborn she LOVED falling asleep on my chest on her tummy.Payton also is sitting really well in her bumbo now and is enjoying her rice cereal. This week we gave her some oatmeal and next week it will be barley cereal. At five months we will start introducing veggies and fruits! fingers crossed no allergies yet. She really likes to play and bite down on her spoon after feeding is done. The biting as well as constant drooling is what is giving us a little bit of the heads up that she is getting herself ready for teeth. She is a beautiful baby with a great little personality growing. As much as I can get frustrated at times I love her with all my heart and can't imagine my life without her. Her smiles and coos could melt any ones heart. Her eyelashes are the longest things I have ever seen and I could just kiss the dimple on her chin she inherited from her daddy all the time. I love this child more then life itself!

Payton playing in her exesaucer at "Ya Ya's" house
Always biting on everything
all dressed up and nowhere to go!
Aunt Annie reading to the girls at our first story time at the book store.
Favorite cousins at Boo Bel's two year birthday party!
I cant believe how fast she is growing! I love her BUNCHES!!