Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rice Cereal...The Breakfast of Champions!

Today Payton ate her very first bowl of rice cereal! Payton has been sleeping 12 hour stretches through the night since she was 8 weeks old. She goes down at 7pm and wakes at 7-7:15am. So since we are SO close to her 4 month birthday and she has decided the past couple of days to wake up around 5:30am and SUCK down her bottle we thought she is a growing girl and the bottles just aren't holding her over so much.Because I am a little neurotic (I don't know why?nobody in my family is!lol) I spent a whole 24 hours thinking.......well when in the day I am I suppose to give it to her? much?....what if she has a reaction?...blah blah blah blah! So this morning when she woke early enough so that daddy could play with us before work we just went for it. I had to give her a bit of her bottle first to hold her off a bit. She was pretty confused in the beginning, but by the end of the bowl( that's right I said the END of the bowl) she got used to it and was opening her mouth wide for me! I was not expecting her to finish the whole bowl , but she was game for it! I think she was ready for solids! Of course she kicked probably more then half of it out but she took a good amount down too!So proud of my big girl!

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