Today we celebrated my dad's birthday one day early! My dad barbecued some yummy steaks for all of us and we had some good family time! I love my father with all my heart. He has been an amazing male figure in my life. This man has the hugest heart and would lay down his life for even a stranger (not over exaggerating, he is a retired Elgin police officer).My father has taught me many things. Obviously, being a police officer, first and foremost he taught me right from wrong. But he has taught me sacrifice, true unconditional love, and what a god fearing leader of a household should look like. I love you daddums like the whole world plus stop signs, and i can't wait for your new little grand baby to meet you. Anybody who talks to you falls in love with you! And that we know for sure cause you never have a problem even talking to a rock! LOL! kisses and hugs! Celebrating another year to an amazing man! here is to you pops!
This post was the BEST birthday gift you could give your Dad! I'm so proud of both of you. My Cup Runneth Over!