Oh my goodness I can't believe how fast Everything is going! Our daughter is amazing is all I have to say!Payton has gone through ALL her different baby foods including meat and likes it all. We do not have a picky eater on our hands!She is also on the move! She is up on all fours rocking back and forth! She hasn't figured out how to move forward but she has reverse mastered, LOL. She also is a HUGE fan of standing next to any furniture to hold herself up. Mommy realized that just because she isn't truly crawling ( more like tummy slithering) that it is still time to baby proof. I left her for nothing but seconds to change the laundry and next thing I know she has my fake grape decorations in her mouth!That was that , everything is being moved up to higher ground. And let me tell you she has the run of our living room floor. Her toys now that used to sit nicely with her are now scattered ALL over. She is definitely gonna be a mover and a shaker.She is such a wonderful baby. I just can't get enough of her. Also to my much dismay she has met Elmo and loves him. My boss gave us a tickle me Elmo and Payton laughs so hard watching him.Payton is also fully feeding herself her bottle as well as playing with a sippy cup and drinking some water here and there. She has tried puffs, bite size banana, and avocado! She hasn't popped anymore teeth yet but I feel like they are coming soon. We have had so much fun this summer so far. We have been swimming in YaYa's pool and Payton loves it. She is not shy from the water at all. Payton LOVES spending time with her cousin Isabel and we are all very excited to find out that my sister is pregnant again with baby number two! We are officially getting closer to being out numbered, lol! Payton is definitely a thinker. She watches and takes everything in very intensely. I also think that she is gonna be a roller coaster girl like her mommy. Nothing new seems to make her uneasy yet, she is always up for something new! I am so proud of this little peanut I am honored to call my daughter!
Grandma too Payton to Randall Oaks and I got to tag along,LOL We had so much fun!
look at the animals!
first time on a big girl swing and loved it!
Family day at St. Charles River Festival!
Fun in the Sun! Our little water baby
Cousins Playing
Cousins Tickling!
Leppin's Secret! Baby #2 due February 2012. CONGRATS! Can't wait to be an Auntie again
My beautiful Daughter at 7 months