Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb. - Babycenter.com
Zack and I painted our nursery this past week, and Zack's Uncle Ted (who is a professional painter) helped us finish it up and then painted our ceilings in the entire condo! Thanks Teddy, you are AWESOME! We finally ordered our glider and now its just a waiting game for ALL furniture to come in. Everything should arrive within a couple weeks or so, so we are really excited. I am at 23 weeks and now officially am feeling pregnant. I know you say its about time so I really can't complain. I am now feeling our peanut A LOT, my belly in noticeably pregnant, and starting to feel a little tired now. I have to say I think our peanut is gonna be a mover and a shaker because I feel like she is always on the go in my belly. A really fun development is just what the Babycenter.com said . For the past 2 weeks or so Zack and I have been able to be SEEING our peanut move in my belly. And everyday you can tell it is just getting more and more pronounced the stronger she gets!
Over the past weekend we went mini golfing, bbq'ed it up, and celebrated Fourth of July. On The Fourth of July we started the day out at the South Elgin parade, then hung out at my mother-in law's house for awesome appetizers, etc.with Zack's family, visited with my family at my parents house for dinner, and ended the night at our friends house for drinks and fireworks.
Here are a few pics from a fun filled weekend!
Mini-golfing with friends! (Left to Right) D.C., Kim, Kristin, and Keith
Kristin beat us all, but a few of us DID manage to get " Hole in Ones" (including me)!
After we went for ice cream at Colonial where the boys lived life up and got "Kitchen Sinks". It was a lot of fun!
Fourth of July pic with my hunny!
Diane (Zack's momma), Me, and Zack at the South Elgin Parade

Three Preggers at a Parade.LOL
Left to Right: I am due Nov.1st, Jenny is due Sept.30th, and Holly is due Aug.5th
Bing Bang Boom and Christmas time will be full of new babies and kiddos!

The girls at our friends bbq we went to later that evening!
Kristin and Amy sitting on the ground and Carin in the chair.
I had mentioned to Zack there was a little list of activities I would like to do this summer before baby comes. Mini-golfing was on that list, so my awesome husband planned it out for us. This past weekend was busy and fun-filled and I loved every second of it.
Our Poppy update: Last update was that Poppy is doing leaps and bounds better. He has been taken off the ventilator and is doing just fine. He has been out of his bed standing and sitting up. He is not sedated anymore so he is alert of what is going on, and even talking a little bit here and there. The prayers of calm and healing I feel are really doing the trick so thank you to all our friends and family that our praying and thinking of us! Lets keep it going so we can get our beloved Poppy out of the hospital and in rehab. We love you Poppy!